Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 11

Well the group got back to the hotel around 11PM last night and they didn’t have any domino's pizza… but they did get me a take out order from one of the best restaurants in the country. I have been there twice already and I get the Penne au Poulet every time. Anyway I got that last night and decided to eat it for lunch today. I woke up late around 7:45AM and had to hurry and get ready for our 8PM departure time. We arrived to the orphanage today around 8:30AM and got to work setting up all the things the group bought in Port-au-Prince yesterday. 8 twin size mattress for the volunteer quarters, batteries for the power inverters, and setting up the rest of the kitchen area and a few different things in the administration building.

I first started helping with the mattresses in the visitors quarters, Dena set up most of the beds with linen and organized towels and wash cloths. After finishing in the visitors quarters I headed down to the administration building to help set up things there. Dustin and Jenna were busy doing all the accounting work from yesterdays shopping spree so I took on the role of their office temp for the day. I set up the brand new printer they had brought and then after that set up the kitchen area. Coffee pot, plates, glasses, forks, knives, spoons, attaching handles on the refrigerator. Easy stuff.

After I was done with that work I headed back up to the visitors quarters to have lunch. For lunch I ate my Penne au Poulet I had saved from last night. After lunch their wasn’t much else to do so I took a nap while James, Gaston (construction manager) and the electricians went around planning all the electrical work. After my nap we cleaned floors then left back to the hotel.

Typical evening after working all day at the orphanage, shower, diner, leisure time playing cards, then heading back my hotel room. Even though its Friday night there really isn't anything special to do, but get sleep and get ready for work tomorrow.

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