Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 8

Thankfully today we set a 8:30AM departure time for our work for the orphanage. This means we had time to eat breakfast!! I actually woke up early enough to make breakfast. Eating one meal a day for the past couple of days has taken a toll and sleep is no longer more important than food. We had bananas. pineapple, spaghetti, and bread for breakfast. I brought my jar of nuttela that I thought I had forgotten to pack but found last night before going to sleep. Nutella oh nutella.. makes waking up early well worth it to be able to spread some nuttela on a slice of bread in the morning. After eating as much as I possibly could at breakfast I went back to my room and got all packed for todays work. Today we worked mainly in the visitors quarters putting together furniture. All together we put together about four chest of drawers and two night stands. We also once more cleaned out each room and washed doors in both the administration and visitors quarters. Once we finished with that we were about done for the day and packed up and headed back to the hotel.

It was a usual night here in Haiti, diner was just a hour late this time and we filled the time playing cards. Diner was the usual tunariceandbeansketcupspaghettifries plate for me. After diner we hung out and conversed for a bit then headed for our rooms. I usualy spend my nights reading, blogging, and organizing pictures I have taken during the day into specific folders. I have a TV in my hotel room but the cable cord wont reach far enough to also have the TV plugged into a power outlet. Yes I know it makes no sense for me to even have the TV in my room.. I don’t miss TV much. There is no public electricity in Hinche and the hotel runs off of an generator. During the day the hotel has no power but in the evening the generatior is turned on. We are gone most of the day so this isn’t a big problem.

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