I would like to present the Letters for Haiti Project. I understand that in this economic time it may be hard for some people to donate money, but the letter for Haiti project is a free and easy way for anyone to positively impact the youth of Haiti. Here is the letter instructions and letter templates:
I would like to thank you for participating in the Lèt pou Ayiti (Letter for Haiti) project! The letter you will be writing will be given to a child in Hinche, Haiti. These letters will show the youth of Haiti the importance of education and how getting a good education will benefit their lives. Write the letter on a separate sheet of paper and please write them in both French and Creole, while many Haitians speak Creole they may only be able to read French or vice versa. If possible please write the letter in cursive. Feel free to add anything you feel will be useful to convey the importance of education to the youth of Haiti. Also feel free to include a small drawing of any sort. The kids, I'm sure, will be very thankful and appreciative of the letter they receive. After completing your letter and or picture please take the time to take a picture with your letter and picture. Pictures of the individual writing the letter will be stapled to the letter so the child receiving the letter can see the person who has taken the time to write them.
Pictures can be emailed to valteauj@yahoo.com and will be developed for free! If you need any translation help or have questions feel free to email me at, valteauj@yahoo.com. Again thank you for supporting the project and making a difference in the lives of Haiti's youths!
English to Creole Translation: (write only the Creole in the letter)
My name is ____. Mwen rele ____.
I am ___ years old. Mwen gen ___ an. (1- yonn, 2- de, 3- twa, 4- kat, 5- senk, 6- sis, 7- sèt, 8- uit, 9- nèf, 10- dis, 11-onz, 12- douz, 13- trèz, 14- katòz, 15- kenz, 16- sèz, 17- disèt, 18- dizwit, 19- diznèf, 20- vent, 21- vent-yonn, 22- vent-dez, 23- vent- twa ect…, 30- trant, 31- trant-yonn, 32- trannde, 40- karant, 41- karant-yonn, 50- senkant, 60- swasant.)
In school I like studying ____. Lekòl mwen renmen etidye ____. (math- matematik, physics- fizik, history- istwa, language- lang, science- syans, biology- biyoloji, chemistry- chimi, geography- jeyografi, geometry- jeyometri, art- ar.)
When I grow up I want to be ____. Lè mwen gran, mwen vle vini ____. (farmer- kiltivatè, teacher- pwofesè, mechanic- mekanisyen, doctor- Doktè, scientist- syantifik, actor/actress- aktè, cook- kwizinye, architect- achitèk, nurse- mis/infimyè, athlete- spòtif, singer- chantè.)
Education is important! Edikasyon enpòtan!
Education is real power! Edikasyon se youn vrè fòs!
What are your dreams? Ki rèv ou?
Knowledge is power! Konesans se youn vrè fòs!
Good bye! Orévwa!
English to French Translation: (write only the French in the letter)
My name is _____. Je m'appelle _________.
I am __ years old. J'ai ____ Ans. ( 1- un, 2- deux, 3- trois, 4- quatre, 5- cinq, 6- six, 7- sept, 8- huit, 9- neuf, 10- dix, 11- onze, 12- douze, 13- treize, 14- quatorze, 15- quinze, 16- seize, 17- dix-sept, 18- dix-huit, 19- dix-neuf, 20- vingt, 21- vingt et un, 22- vingt-deux, 23 vingt- trois ect…, 30- trente, 31- trente et un, 32- trente- deux, 40- quarante, 41- quarante et un, 42- quarante-deux, 50- cinquante, 51- cinquante et un.)
In school I like studying ______. A l'école j'aime étudier ____. (math- les maths, science- la science, history- l’histoire, core subjects- tronc commun, English- le anglais, art- l’art, PE- EPS or le sport, foreign language- la langue étrangère, geography- la géographie)
When I grow up I want to be _______. Quand je serai grand, je voudrais devenir _____. ( doctor- médecin, farmer- fermier, lawyer- avocat, actor/ actress- acteur/actrisse, architect- architecte, fireman- pompier, singer- chantuer, scientist- scientifique, cook- cuisinier, nurse- enfermière, mechanic- mécanicien, model- mannequin, pilot- pilote, teacher- professeur ect…)
Education is important! L'Education est importante!
Education is real power! L'Education est une vraie force!
What are your dreams? Quels sont vos rêves?
Knowledge is power! La connaissance est le pouvoir!
Goodbye! Au revoir!
Again I would like to thank anyone and everyone who decides to participate in this project. Feel free to pass along this project to anyone who you feel would be interested! I try to encourage kids here in the states to participate in the project because I feel that they would have a bit of a higher influence on kids in Haiti. I feel that generally kids listen to kids more than adults. But again the project is open to anyone!
Mail letters to:
Jean-Pierre Valteau
ECU PMB 4501
1100 E 14th Street
Ada, OK 74820
Me and my bro's Scotty and Chandler working on our letters!
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