Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Fundraising Wrap Up.

Summer fundraising is finally coming to an end, it's been a fun summer traveling and selling shirts. I would like to thank everyone who has bought an I ♥ Haiti T-shirt, wristband or made a donation! In a short span of two months the I ♥ Haiti T-shirt project has been able to generate $862.00 worth of shirt and wristband sales, and donations. This money will be donated to Center of Hope Haiti's education fund. This money will be spent on properly educating the orphans in Hinche, Haiti.

Again many many thanks to all who have supported the project! I have to send a special shout out to my friends in Dallas for all of their support. Another shout out to my cousin George in Seattle, Washington for handling all Seattle sales. My friend Dena Pieson in Salem, OH for generating shirt sales in Ohio. My friend Valérie Mitchelson in Paris, France for helping with translation on the Letter for Haiti Project.

I will be leaving for Haiti July 5th, 2010 to assist with the opening of Center of Hope Haiti's orphanage. There will be a blog update soon that will detail my trip plans.

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